Most Shocking Deaths In Shonen Anime
Shonen anime is known for its intense action and emotional moments, but some deaths leave a lasting impact on fans.
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Maes Hughes quickly became a fan favorite upon his debut in FMA Brotherhood.
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Shigeshige Tokugawa, affectionately known as the Shogun, was one of the most hilarious and beloved characters in Gintama.
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The intense rivalry between Light Yagami and L in Death Note remains a hot topic among fans even today.
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Sasha’s death in Attack on Titan was sudden and remains one of the series' most shocking moments. As one of the most beloved characters.
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The Demon Slayer film, Mugen Train, achieved massive success in both Japan and the U.S. For many fans.
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The wise and seasoned mentor is a beloved archetype in anime, and few are as revered as Jiraiya from Naruto.
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The Saga of the Summit War in One Piece was centered on one goal: saving Ace. With every chapter, it seemed success was within reach.
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