The Demon Slayer universe is teeming with fearsome demons, each with extraordinary powers and unique Blood Demon Arts.
Kyogai, known as the Drum Demon, serves as the main antagonist of the Tsuzumi Mansion Arc in Demon Slayer.
Though not a fighter, Tamayo stands out as one of the most intelligent demons in Demon Slayer. Her Blood Demon Art showcases her exceptional intellect .
Yushiro's infamous cantankerous personality often takes center stage, especially when his beloved Tamayo isn't giving him attention.
Rui’s cruel demeanor hides a deep yearning for genuine human connection. He attributes his overwhelming sense of emptiness to his biological parents .
Enmu takes center stage as the main antagonist of the Mugen Train Arc, showcasing his sadistic nature and utter disregard for human life.
Tanjiro initially focuses on protecting Nezuko, but he soon learns that his sister is more than capable of defending herself.
Gyutaro & Daki
Daki and Gyutaro, a formidable sibling duo, share the position of Upper Rank Six among the Twelve Kizuki.